The Zine UK

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Doc update Summer 2020. Continuing #MusicWomen forging entertainment’s next multi media, Beatriz De La Pava Hucke‘s DIY TV interviews blossoming #FuturePicks Calva Louise and Strange Bones.

I was drawn like a moth to a flame by recent interview docs uploaded by Front Raw.

As a collective, TheZineUK have a thing for the band; ongoing interviews by Monefa Walker (who also has made cameos in their videos). There’s a wealth of newer wave art rising. Raw Front‘s capture is captivating how the Fertile Environment’s story tells itself. Even despite a hostile environment. Gigs are escapist home from home. We get through this pandemic tragedy, grateful to see good souls thrive and develop. Virtually with empathetically.

Beatriz reflects the lives with energised personal insight while asking the highly relevant question ‘Are we approaching the death of genres?’

Talking genres/genders, “Futuristic”, is NOW. The dystopian futures of science fiction are a reality. Lockdown sucks but safety first rocks. Our collective tapestry is woven from friends of all genders at events with guitars of many genres in the mix. Alternative art audio’s imagination inspires an action fraction of whatever’s next.

At The Garage (North London), Beatriz interviewed Calva Louise, a hard working, tangent-pulsing trio of passion. The short film with glimpses of the ecstatic live show, covers worth ethics and metaphors for life itself. From Raw Front‘s viewpoint as fan, the viewer is engaged on a personal level.

(A few amateur snapshots for the DIY diary from the night (The Blinders, Calva Louise, MOSES) where I met the friendly and very much “On It” Beatriz. Typically uncool-clumse, I accidentally interrupted the interview a bit, but ever professional and inclusive, the punchy Front Raw filming continued, including the reality.  Beatriz is a seasoned multi media professional (and adventurer!). I am thrilled for Front Raw at the results. “The best interview we’ve done in I don’t know how long” (Calva Louise).

The choice of also interviewing Strange Bones is inspired. It feels like a front row seat as Beatriz reports “Their live show is ANIMAL”. I concur!

“It’s very exciting and even touching to witness the emergence of all these bands that are so… Banging” (Beatriz). 

Agreed. Uniqulture watching what’s not under mainstream spotlights means we can report, hand on heart, that interdependence has gifted a credible, artist-first ethic to the entertainment world. Developing without being “moulded” makes it all anything but mouldy.

ArtBeat’s audiovisual cottage industry of broken Britain’s best bands means many friends were also at The Lexington to go crazy, then crazier, for Strange Bones,

As the band mention in the Raw Front interview, more females are pulling their own reins, on and off stage these days. Watching, I see glimpses of beloved faces. Another super talent, Sandy K. Mozdocumented the gig photographically.

Hopefully, our myriad new dawns will find their way, post pandemic through whatever is left of our previous structures, uncomfortably uncompromised. We are a catalogue of promise. TheZineUK has witnessed artists recommending and supporting each other, fans becoming tour managers, drivers, assistants etc. 

Organic necessity creating employment enjoyment possibilities. Our cast/contributors are a kaleidoscope. Check out Ragged Cult Magazine and Why Generation? for starters. More in Spring 2019’s #MusicWomen (r)Evolution.

Beatriz has definitely made a mar, recently also celebrating a year of BBC Minute in Spanish. Now on stations in Mexico, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Venezuela as well as on Spotify.

Time travel; Calva Louise‘s ‘I Wish’ (August 2020, video by Jess; guitarist/vocalist, produced/mixed by Bobby of Strange Bones). Beyond genres to tune-pulsed to hook – like engaging popular music tends to do.

2020’s apocalyptic panic erupts in hysteric volcanoes of negativity. Then… you play the new austerity’s arse kicking bangers, alongside the classics of any decade, and realise that we are fucked up and locked down but so lucky to be connected by three degrees of celebration. I see so much possibility. Beatriz is a thread of this tapestry, love your smile, lady. Xx

Front Raw, Beatriz De La Pava (YouTube)

Beatriz IG

p.s. was just proof reading and saw this ace tweet, so adding it because what’s not to LOVE about the situationist rock opera reality of our stories.

Words: Caffy St Luce