The Zine UK

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Boris Johnson is Still a F****** C*** - A Warming Christmas No. 1?

Kunt (the minor internet hit singer, and Dylan-esque lyrical genius of songs such as Fucksticks and the beautiful love ballad Fred & Rose) is back with his band uh.. The Kunts with “Boris Johnson is STILL a Fucking Cunt.”

Those paying attention would know that Kunt & The Gang made number 5 in the Xmas charts with the precursor to this single: “Boris Johnson is a Fucking Kunt”.

Not that you’d have found it easily if you were looking for it, as like they did with the Sex Pistols, the No.5 slot was left blank as not to offend those who - for some odd reason - disagree with the sentiment.

However, I’m sure you don’t have to be proud lefties like us at The ZineUK to get what The Kunts are saying here. I have set myself a word count - so won’t name ALL of the reasons Boris Johnson is indeed still a fucking cunt - but you’d have to have been living under a rock to not have taken note of all the cover-ups, sleaze, illegal Christmas parties, the bills to take away the right to protest, the obvious mocking hatred to the working class, the criminalisation of the way of life for people in the GRT communities, the cronyism…. Ahem, anyway it’s Christmas.

On top of that, do we really want to tolerate LadBaby going to Number 1 for a fourth time? I can forgive the inclusion of Elton John, since 70’s John is somewhat of a style icon for me, but the cynical inclusion of Ed Sheeran? A man who is (in this ed.’s opinion) the musical equivalent of the herpes virus and manages to appear everywhere like rising damp, yet somehow, I suspect worse for your health.*

Is this how we want history to judge us?

“But it’s for charity!” The more astute of you may cry, yes but as Kunt himself points out :

“Go and buy the LadBaby single. After their recording, marketing and promotion costs have been taken out a fraction from every sale goes towards foodbanks. Or better still, if you feel they are cynically hawking their YouTube, books and sponsorship deals off the back of starving children and depravation, buy this single as a protest against them, and the fact that our so-called civilised country needs foodbanks. Then donate actual money and food to support foodbanks like we do without slimy music industry PR twats taking a cut.”

Anyway, you can buy all TEN versions of the single here and here.

You can also stream all versions below (100 streams = 1 sale, so put it on low and leave it playing for maximum impact.)

A handy playlist below:

See this content in the original post

*Not medically proven. (Yet.)