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“Sticking myself back together again”

Multi-instrumentalist producer, Joe Peter, reveals a brand new project with debut release; ‘Self Adhesive’

‘Self Adhesive’ is recently released by Joe Peter – By jupiter, it’s a confident intro to a Solo Artist with an obsessive attention to detail. This Brighton based multi talent has created, performed, home recorded, produced and presented an aural gem that is memorable within one play;

“I wanted to kick things off with something that was a bit more guitar based than my other tracks. Lyrically, it was written as a kick up the arse to myself, but also as a reminder to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again.”

Tell us how long you’ve been making music…

“I started making music back in my teens and was in a couple of bands in my early twenties. Around that time I got my first proper job at a recording studio so I got to learn how to produce and engineer stuff. 

When I hit thirty I had a bit of a career change in my work life, which meant I took a few years away from making music completely. However, now I’m starting a-fresh as a solo artist and feel like I’ve got my mojo back creatively. ‘Self Adhesive’ is my first single as a solo artist so I’ve only been making music this way for half a year or so.”

What’s been some of your highlights so far on your musical journey?

“Well, with this project being brand new essentially, I’d have to look back at my previous band for some highlights, musically. 

We got to play in most of the well known venues across London but playing live was never where my real passion lies, I’m more at home in the studio or writing new songs. 

We had lots of plays on the radio from Steve Lamacq who really championed our music, and I’ve had plenty of songs which I’ve written, be featured on TV shows, adverts, idents and things like that. Syncs like these are a god-send for independent artists as it’s a decent way to make a few quid from music (which is increasingly hard these days). 

It sounds cheesy but some of the best times in my life were spent pissing around at rehearsals with my mates, who also happened to be band members.”

Your single is called ‘Self Adhesive’. What are the fave things that stick to you the most?

“I’m a pretty simple fella if I’m honest, so things that spring to mind first are my fiancee, my dog and my amazing family. I’ve got to throw in a bit of exercise and the odd sesh with my mates as well.

Other than that, I’d have to say that music has always been THE constant in my life. I was brought up on a diet of soul, funk and ska cds, thanks to my parents, so I’ve always been drawn to those sounds as well as indie, house and hip hop over the years. 

I moved to Brighton from London a few years ago and I’d have to say that I’m stuck on living by the sea now and can’t really see ever moving back ‘in land’.

Tell us more about the single. Is there a meaning behind the song?

“There’s not so much one story behind it, but on the surface level it’s about me getting my arse in gear. It’s a sort of reminder to myself to dust myself down and stick myself together. 

The verses were written when I was hungover so they also reflect on me looking back, trying to make sense of messy night. There’s also a few lines in there which allude to a collective feeling that as humans we’re making a real balls-up of things at the moment. There’s so much wrong with the world that it’s also about starting to fix ourselves from the mess that we’re in. 

I think my lyrical content will reflect more of these feelings with future songs as it’s hard to not be affected by the state of politics right now.”

What albums do you never get tired of listening to?

“Ooh that’s a hard one obviously, but if we’re talking timeless alums that I always go back to, regardless of mood then I’d include these ones for sure: Simple Minds – New Gold Dream, Stevie Wonder – Songs In The Key Of Life, The Charlatans – Telling Stories, The Style Council – The Singular Adventures Of (am I allowed a best of?), A Tribe Called Quest – The Low End Theory, The Streets – Original Pirate Material, New Order – Technique, The Cribs – The New Fellas and basically any northern soul collection. 

Something like that anyway, they might be different next week!”

What can we expect from you this year?  

“Two further singles, maybe more. I’m additionally working with other producers, singers and rappers to try and improve on each release. I’ll also be making music videos for each track – I like to create them on my phone, which means more of a DIY and personal feel because A) it’s cheap and B) I’m really not a fan of performance videos, they seem a bit obvious to me.”

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We repeat, we’re stuck on Joe Peter!

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