The Zine UK

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Noah and the Loners - Spring it.

Following on from #TheZineUK articles ‘Marshall’s Swinging Sixties’ (January) and The Great Punk Reset(March) the guitar-band grassroots greats grows.

Noah and the Loners weave together many of the threads in this interdependent movement’s tale.

Spring sprang when Noah and the Loners made jaws drop at the Marshall Stage in Covent Garden recently.

A few (unlisted) videos (DIY/phone audio quality) and some snapshots from the energised moment.

Covent Garden is a bit of an upmarket market. Not been here since pre pandemic. Happy sunny vibes. People started gathering around the stage courtesy of the songs, energy and cheering. It then became dancing in the street.

The band recently announced that they had signed to Marshall’s record label. This show felt extra celebratory. #FuturePicks: Gen Z icons in the making. Nice one, again, End Of The Trail Creative.

It’s unreal in the small venues right now. Since this show our interdependent friends have been performing and gathering for buzzy thrills against the backdrop of the starkest reality. Nature hates a void so our new stars are twinkling harder and shaking the foundations of fused genre fluid music worlds.

”Shaking foundations”? Yay, also, to the t-shirt. Later that same night, Bob Vylan and his audience literally raised the roof to the point of the floor moving at their Belfast gig. Newer wave of great punk reset? You better believe it. We do, we’re LIVING it.

Visuals/Words, Caffy, Events Dept.