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Sam Asbury

‘Show Me The Best Thing You Can Do’.

Sam Asbury’s second solo EP is out now, with proceeds going to Mind the mental health charity. Reviewed by Keira Cullinane

Among notifications I got from Bandcamp Friday (5th February), this one stood out. Perhaps surprisingly, because before its brief announcement earlier that week there had been no publicity - usually a risky publicity stunt, but we're reassured: “It's just that Sam is bad at business.”

After Long Teeth and new band Big Sea Creature, Sam has released a second solo EP. With the first, ‘Bored In A Beautiful Place’, the lyrics really stood out for me and this is again something I love in ‘Show Me The Best Thing You Can Do’.

The EP cover is perfect for the mood of the songs and the last year too. The sun streaking in through a restricted window, showing a fantastic day - outside. "Baby it's like how it was, but it's how it's become, Sunbathing on the steps cos the beach is shut" sung with a slight accent that seems to emphasise the normalness of this slight disappointment.

Harmonies throughout the EP are impressive (with I suspect occasional vocals from Big Sea Creature bassist Jade) remind me a little of the chilled warmth of The Velvet Underground and Nico and the 60's, combined with an uneasy, socially aware commentary that feels bitter. However unless you're listening to the lyrics you might feel upbeat by the tunes, and as I think this, Sam sings, "Don't talk to me until I'm listening".

This, mixed with the lyrics of 'Bent Back Mud Men Monster'. feels like whistling in the park, content with trying to forget what you're really thinking about. "Yeah the lights okay, but I think we're better in the dark anyway".

All this to say, it's not a sad EP and there is a depth and intelligence to the contradictions in music and lyrics. You'll go about your flat happily humming ‘Bent Back Mud Men Monster’ to your cat.

On third track 'Wet Hair', layers of guitar, harmonies and trumpet - played by Sam - feel a lot like the end of a day spent feeling slightly out of place, coming home to someone you feel safe with. The anxiety you might feel perhaps, having someone ask you to 'Show Me The Best Thing You Can Do'; before helping you relax while listening to it.

All proceeds will go to the Mind charity.