The Zine UK

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We're Locked (Down) with Charlie Steel.

For Fans of: The Streets, Sonny Green, Kate Nash.

During the lockdown, creativity has begun to spurt from the roots of many of the musicians in our woven tale. Not that you truthfully declare a ‘good thing’ to come out of a global pandemic, but certainly it has been a time for some of our creative friends to manifest their anxieties and terror into an anxious challenge of themselves and how they use their art. We are inundated with brilliant recorded-at-home masterpieces at the moment, which is making OUR lockdown all the more bearable.

Charlie Steel is another artist who, having been furloughed, has spent his lockdown in creativity, and as a result, has his next five singles all recorded at home and ready to be mixed and mastered.

You’re in for a treat.

Recently released (and aptly named) Locked is gaining some media attention at the moment, and the use of lo-fi synth really showcases Charlie’s dedication to not being tied to any one genre. Lyrically, as with all of Charlie’s releases showcases a real talent to story-telling.

You’ll find the hook stuck in your head for days…

Talking of hooks, Poverty Porn from debut EP Not Industry Standard is a release highlight. The 80’s synth caught my little evocative ears. Lyrically Charlie is observational, insightful and (importantly) politically alert - musically he defies genres with Lo-Fi indie sensibilities…

Other noteworthy songs include: “Staying In, Going Out” , searingly honest “Up all Night” and proper indie-politick bopper “Knocks”.

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Charlie Steel is still evolving but he is fast becoming Glasstone Records’ secret weapon and trust me, we’re going to hear a lot more from him in the future…

Words: Dizzy Spell