The Zine UK

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Created during Independent Venue Week 2020, Britain’s last week in Europe, a venue full of friends, old and new, helped to create positivity with Louise Schofield: Pop up TV studio, DIY news reporting on happening arts and culture and a live(ly), inclusive music social.

Studio? Intimate and iconic Hope and Anchor

TV courtesy of presenter, tech-star and multi-talent Louise Schofield

Culture (Ruby Blue, a travelling music fan, already in TheZineUK documentary when Simon Baker made the ‘Cause You Got Me’ video, which is where we met).

There was heartwarming support from friends there in person or spirit, and even a quick snapshot session with musician, Kat Five

Much of Future Picks (our artists/event links etc preview) was ad-libbed like this. What mostly ensued was singing and laughter. We should do it again!

Click to hear ‘Butterfly Wings’ the first solo single by Kat Five released on 28th February.

It wasn’t all plain sailing though. Some people were struck ill that week (including two of the headliners, MOSES, argh Victor can you sing with flu?). Original support, The Rills, were unable to play the show, hopefully another time. 

Kudos to RtN herself, Rhiannon, who stood in at the last moment and graced us with her honey choc voice. We got a preview of future release material. The crowd completed what made it all worth while.

RtN Makes Music

Zeenager crew star, Sonja Amoretti, is so organised that when I (Caf) forgot the handstamp (DIY promoter schoolgirl error), Sonja arrived and did the door with everything needed. An event and band manager in her own right with professional efficiency. Appreciation for that.

We started 2020 as a reflection of this documentary. Informal, fun and small. This made the gig a high quality entertainment that was also a bit like a house party.

Thanks for coming to London for the show, Adele! xx

There will be quite a few results to add to new mates / futures made, a news report, teaser clip, Instagram TV and four interviews, so far. There is a lot of potential in the way that we operate.

The aplomb with which Louise Schofield, one of the most prolific and seasoned up and comers, operates, is impressive. On-the-hoof set up and go tech/presenter, she scripted, hosted, documented, edited and uploaded generating a wealth of content. Thank you for pulsing such positivity. Heck, the branded cue cards and mic are clues to potential, beyond her engaged passion.

That was it. We all ENJOYED being there. Besides being fans of MOSES, who we were chuffed could come to play (and help us start this), we’re mad for music in general. When we’re not at our own gigs, we’re at somebody else’s, budgets permitting!

Between us, we have the seeds of an affordable Event Management / EPK Kit / News Reporting set up, and know quite a lot of bands. True News. Cheers to good souls, James (bass) and Victor (vocals) of MOSES for this engaging interview. They talk videos, a new single, working with producer Gavin Monaghan and, “When You’re Down, You Need L” – they got it from another music guru, radio presenter John Kennedy.

In Independent Venue Week’s #IVW20, a community of music passion in a grass roots space, during an exceptional week where anxiety, outside our escapism, was high, but so was Hope. Music is our Anchor.

Words: Caffy St Luce (Events)