Cro Cro Land 2024
Cro Cro Land is already an event of the year for fans of rock, pop, electro, shoegaze, art, inclusion and style - presented on two stages at one location over a weekend.
You might as well just take a look at this line up then grab one of the remaining tickets for the outstanding value of either £30 weekend (or £20 for a day).
You can also scroll down this page for more location etc. context and info about forty key artists creating a cultural MOMENT. Together.
Live music ends at 10.30pm and it’s a short walk to South Norwood which is easy travel from London Bridge (The Shard)/
That line-up is “a woo-hoo of who’s who”! - Life begins At 40 gateway performances.
While debates range about the attention to the privileged, I guess we are blessed to have so many aces shared by the Interdependent Promoters and Multi Media (“DIY Plants?” - they certainly seeding something so strong). Between LOUD WOMEN, Decolonise Fest, Cro Cro Land (we still feel all three should be stages at most music festivals) there’s a lot of recommending and sharing happening without the help of the mainstream, so that makes them stronger potential, right? John Kennedy, End Of The Trail, Kick Out The Jams, Get In Her Ears, Fierce Panda, This Feeling… oh, a wealth of impactive interactive goodness going on…
Fanfare for one of the most fun fan-fair of festivals! During a cost-of-greed crisis, being affordable but also still paying and promoting ALL the artists is a choice. Fair play to you, Cro Cro Land.
As TheZineUK is a documentary of alternative rock stories, this weekend is a treasure (and also, with permission, the official Zeenagers Expo 02 choice of event).
Some of the artists are golden threads in our story, already - a draw in their own right. We’re checking out the line up and can’t wait to catch some of the live sets for the first time.
Somehow, Cro Cro Land have managed to attract a dream line up to unite in postcode SE25 for the weekend. Every single name is one to watch, has a wealth of acclaim and achievements at all levels in many cases and is set to help make this an event of the year.
As previews go, a recurring theme is definitely “how are they doing all this?” - by they I mean the Croydonist instigators: Julia Woolams of design supremos, 31% Wool (responsible for the striking branding and SO much more) and Angela Martin of electro punked star turn, Bugeye. They’re already incredibly busy creatives, Mums and local activists who brought the punk heritage of Croydon full circle in 2019 with the first Cro Cro Land.
From TheZineUK’s recovered picture book images, a moment from Cro Cro Land 2019 “How on earth are you doing this super woman?”
Cro Cro Land - an “event of the year”. Bit early to predict?
Well, TheZineUK have followed this integral, star dusted trail since it’s end of 2018 inception. This select, future-picks parade is integral to the newer wave of rock and pop music’s fertile environment. April 2019 and 2024: genuinely about Music and Love.
By 2024 the biggest stories in music are the smallest venues. Cro Cro Land presents names who have graced that circuit - and beyond. Not even mentioned everybody here THAT’s how hot the ticket is.
From TheZineUK doc 2019
Nova Twins at Cro Cro Land photographed by Jon Mo
Check out the lightning that sparks out of Kat Five (new interview article for TheZineUK) - the lead vox of Feral Five is premiering her electro grunge tunes this weekend!
Static Lives may be new this year but they’re already blasting on mainstream radio and selling out their headline tour dates.
As I was typing this bit, Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard were about to be on BBC 6Music Radio with Huw Stephens for Round Table…
Album released on the Friday (12th April) then Cro Cro Land at the weekend! buzz buzz buzz!
I dig that people are coming from all over, for this event. I see that some have got their accommodation booked and are making a proper #musictourism weekend of it. Recommendable!
Fair play that local musicians are in the mix with tourists. “Playing Cro Cro Land - it’s going to be a VERY special show indeed” (Bugeye)
Photography by Keira Anee
Documentary does background.
Since 2019, especially, Cro Cro Land, SNCFest and Stanley Arts have instigated music tourism to and from this area of South London which was named Croydon Music City. On a personal note, In September 2020, with hardly any notice, the staggeringly beautiful Stanley Arts was the first time since lockdown that I’d been outdoors after dark for six months. Being here raised the light in my life…
Swoon when punky art goddess, Ms Mohammed, takes to the stage. Oh, I wish her amazing Ted Talk visualiser for ‘Never Again’ wasn’t increasingly relevant. We will rock and roll and fight together…
Maybe it’s a SE25 postcode thing?
In Summer 2021, beating the tories to “freedom day” by 24 hours, SNCFest (South Norwood Community Festival) went ahead. OMG! (G for Greggs, in my case!) we were outdoors dancing to music in the sunshine. I’ll never forget that day (and not just because the bus caught fire and I refused to get off or I’d miss a seminal something in the lake show!). Who in their right mind misses catching Jemma Freeman & The Cosmic Something?
A last minute addition to the first Cro Cro Land, instantly became a Future Picks addiction!
I will always be convinced that Cro Cro Land, SNCFest and Stanley Arts are inclusive inspirations for Croydon being London Borough of Culture 2023.
The uniqulture of Cro Cro Land weaves.
The interdependent music industrious is the most exciting sector in guitar band world right now. Having first caught Whitelands in Amersham Arms it’s a thrill to see them develop through our collective origin story (a.k.a. lockdown) and catch them again recently playing for John Kennedy at The Remedy. A pop sprinkled gauze of gaze in their sound - hot and heating up…
Like Bugeye, Jean Genie is a local mover shaker future maker. Her short film made with Jonny Haze, about a famed local: ‘Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Search For The Blue Note’ is on the Stanley Arts Website.
Music Tourism stars, they not only invited TheZineUK to the nearby Croydon Music Trail launch, but also perform magical-pop-bangers as Jean Genie’s Massive Hugs! Talk about circles of life!
Photography by Christina Louise Jansen
Croydon is a birthplace of Punk.
Cro Cro Land is a birthplace of arts hearts, Rock n Pop Newer Wave exploding!
You need escapism from 2024? Maybe see you at this elation creation celebration!
This is literally the parallel dimension depiction of what’s happening inside Stanley Arts on Saturday 13th April and Sunday 14th April 2024. Here is the ticket link again to the magic…
Words by TheZineUK Events Dept. (Caffy)