Liverpool and Madrid bred musician, Ellie Moon was Tidal ‘Indie Britain’ front page news with her second single, the joyful, retro tinged ‘Promise It Won’t Be Boring’… future accolades are calling. We want to know more pre-Moonisms! Interview by Kelly Munro:

Tell us – how long have you been making music?

Ellie : “This sounds so cheesy, but like most kids when I was little I’d always make songs up and also used to write little poems and stuff like that…


…I suppose that fascination followed me through teen-hood, when the traditional angst kicked in and forced me to “like-totally-express-myself” (fortunately not through the medium of dance, but in song form). I remember one of the first songs I “properly” wrote was when I was about 15. It was most definitely super cringe and about some love interest that wasn’t even real… haha”

What have been some of the highlights, so far, on your musical journey?

“I think this project is actually the most exciting thing I’ve probably ever done. From leaving school and going on a journey of artistic and self-discovery, growing up alongside this project over the past couple of years. Maturing with the music to some extent. A lot of the songs are almost like time stamps of new life experiences. Also creating and recording the EP meeting all the cool people along the way.”

Your latest single is called ‘Promise It Won’t be Boring’. Have you ever broken a promise? If so, tell all!

“Surprisingly not, I mean not as an adult haha! I do have a big mouth and a dying urge to gossip sometimes. I’m always the friend everyone comes to off-load to and I take that duty very seriously. 

It’s like I’m harbouring all their secrets with no one to tell. So instead I channel it into my writing a lot of the time. And if anyone asks: “is that song about me?” I always say “Noooo! It’s just a story I made up”.

Tell us more about the single, ‘Promise It Won’t Be Boring’. Is there a meaning behind the song? A story attached to it?

Listen to "Promise It Won't Be Boring": https://smarturl.it/EllieMoonPIWBB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisiselliemoon/ Twitter: https://twitter.com...

Yes there is! The song was actually inspired by a wild weekend I had up in Glasgow visiting some dear pals of mine. Lyrically it’s the antithesis of a party anthem and I wanted to convey that sense of impending doom you feel at the end of a night out – but the reality is the next day is never as bad as we like to make it out to be.

I also wanted to capture the fact that we as young adults love drama and hangovers, the drama of a hangover, drama in general….. and have an unwavering sense of invincibility and originality. 

Are we invincible? Yes, of course. However, we are typically not as original as we like to think we are and I have tried to capture this by paying homage to, and recognising the inspiration of, previous generations in a number of ways – via the “retro” production on the track, referencing the music of The Beatles and one of my favourite quotes from Bowie which is where the song title actually came from “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise that it won’t be boring”.

Your forthcoming EP is called ‘Moonisms’. What is a Moonism?

“Whilst working on the project, specifically the past year or so, the more I was writing and kind of understanding in which direction I wanted to go as an artist the more of the same little phrases were cropping up. I suppose it’s kind of like my own idioms that I use normally I would put into my lyrics. I’d show people my songs and they’d comment on the way I phrased things and sort of coined the term ‘moonism’ for these little turns of phrase. I would say a “moonism” is the tongue in cheekiness of the lyrics.”

What albums do you never get tired of listening to?

Blue – Joni Mitchell
Hunky Dory – David Bowie
Speaking in Tongues – Talking Heads
Alright, Still – Lily Allen
Melodrama – LORDE
Yesterdays Gone – Loyle Carner
Bad Contestant – Matt Maltese
Voyager – Moonchild
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band – The Beatles

What can we expect from you this year?

Planning to keep recording and releasing music and getting a band together to play live whenever we are able to.

We look forward to live moonisms!




Words: Kelly Munro