Enjoy Robin Ashcroft and her debut single, 'I Luv U'.
Are our bright new hopes sounding even bigger just as the “government” is trying even harder to kill music?
Robin Ashcroft's debut single, 'I Luv U', sounds like it's already been a hit!
single artwork by Jamie Johnston
Entertainment is our biggest and best hope for the economy (and the nation's mental wealth) so this impressive talent has landed to a wider public, at a critical moment.
Major movie sounding, ‘I Luv U’, is a song that Robin Ashcroft wrote as a thirteen year old performer. At a power paced rhythm, it’s sung with dynamic, effortless buid from calm to an emphatically swelling chorus. Hitting the right spots at the precise time, here’s a tint of Paramore in this classic guitar pop.
February 2021. Now seventeen years old, blessed with a special talent, Robin has hard-worked the journey to releasing ‘I Luv U’, her first single (produced by Johnny Madden (BABY STRANGE) and Jamie Holmes (The Lapelles).
On the way, she has been amassing a loyal fanbase online and in person: Performing covers on social media, busking across her home city (and occasionally on the Glasgow to Edinburgh train with fellow teen, Connor Fyfe).
DIY superstar, Gerry Cinnamon, grew up in the same area of Glasgow. He is a genuine source of inspiration and Robin took the initiative to busk to his fans who were travelling by train to his shows. Full of potential, singer, songwriter and multi instrumentalist, Robin Ashcroft stands up on her own, woman-powered, merit to carve a highly individual path of her own.
A visual work of art, she has additionally played open mic nights, festivals (including Glasgow Pride where she was the youngest artist to grace the main stage),iconic venues such as King Tuts and The Barrowlands. Robin Ashcroft has even appeared in an STV drama!
These are factors of having a vivid, music dream, story already.
Robin enters TheZineUK story courtesy of a tip from Mikey Jonns, head of the star spotting, booking, supporting and breaking This Feeling - the nation’s No.1 indie rock and alternative pop club, gig community, multi media connect and key festival stages.
Robin's mum had emailed Mikey when she was thirteen, asking if she could play TF's stage at TRNSMT Festival (but as it was sponsored by Jack Daniels it wasn't to be. Yet. Fast forward to NOW. Armed with a guitar, flowers and a strong vocal game, Robin jumped outta the TF socials at valentines weekend wth sassy Nashville-tinted stage style. It was definitely meant to be.
It's no surprise that this single release has picked up early support on social media, the press and radio. It’s an uplifting tune. We need lifting up these days. There's definitely something tip-of-the-iceberg as a cool new force of Nature emerges on-side. In a poisonous age of division and hate it's easy to forget that there is still so much wholesome (and kind) romance in the world.
‘I Luv U’ is an uncynical antidote. It’s February. Love Month. Imagine singing this to make somebody's day or just to remember who we really can be. Still. I mean, who doesn’t love to hear a robin sing?