
Do you care about music? Click Music Venue Trust‘s Save Our Venues link asap! (or… The Entertainment Industry wrecked).

No rising star venue circuit, means no future head-liners/awards winners, economic, cultural and reputational benefits (creative self employment and social collusion included). SERIOUSLY.

“Venues are the vital first stop for a band to build its fan base, confidence and character on stage. Unforgettable memories from all the venues we’ve played, sadly many are shut now. Lets try our best to keep the scene alive.” The Gulps (@TGulps)

Since announcement, artists and audiences alike have galvanised an online collaboration with local communities, national and independent media – plus venues themselves (many of which I’ve visited as fan/crew, inspiring Music Tourism. Many of us spend much of our lives in positive vibrations).

Follow and amplify #SaveOurVenues on social media. Don’t stop.

Join the #FIGHTBACK at

Join the #FIGHTBACK at

Like our NHS, our venues are a life blood of modern life that goes beyond passion to the genuine civilisation of being in a space where music people are. Our own documentary evolves in small venues with real stories of artists rising to lockdown’s hiatus.

These are essential multi purpose spaces that enhance any town or city. Often with iconic history and anecdotes worthy of a national treasure plaque.

We are ALL in some trouble or other now. Sad and scary days with a bleak outlook. Lockdown is Safety First, but what we do now shapes everything towards Day Zero of the new “normal”. Even the slightest help makes a difference, brightens the near future.

Visit the campaign site, watch the Play At Home gigs, spread the # and website address far and wide. As this movement grows, it would be heart warming to see the biggest artists throw their cash and weight into the bottom rungs of the ladder, trickle down style.

For now, DIY people power is the majority of this force and what an impressive community of belief, already!

“The situation is dire, government support has been exhausted, and it now falls to artists, music fans, local communities and the wider industry to take action.Put bluntly, without these venues the opportunities for artists and audiences to connect in a meaningful way at a local level will simply disappear in a lot of cases. If they go they will never come back.” (Music Venue Trust) 

Read the statement in full and donate at

Words: Caffy St Luce