The Velvet Hands 'STAR'
‘STAR’, latest single from The Velvet Hands is right up TheZineUK’s lipstick traced alley… Judging from the reactions to the song already, the feeling is widespread. In fact, one of our last nights out pre-pandemic, was co-presenting the Velvet Goldmine movie screening at Genesis Cinema (January 2020) and somehow this Primals tinted stomper, just as the nation starts to open up a little more after lockdown, feels like it reboots our adventures from where they left off.
YEAH YEAH - they’re gonna know who you are”
‘Star’ is ambition accomplished. A two and a half minute Stones-y statement of intent that hits 2021 just when we can all twinkle a bit more outdoors and feel almost Almost Famous! It’s possibly one of their most instant releases to date, which is saying something for a band who deal largely in catchy sing along energetic joy (“enerjoy”?)
Guitar bands are back, big time and in the vanguard, The Velvet Hands worked with award-winning brass arranger, Simon Dobson, on horns (his work helped the Architects top the album charts). Jazz Urell on backing vocals really gives ‘Star’ the big time, big stage feel. All that glitters is not gold, though, and being a ‘Star’ is double edged sword that reality keeps falling on, sadly as fame hungry is exposed as a disorder.
Luckily taking the hard working route, the band are grounded, often self deprecating, but born entertainers whether charming crowds into jumping about, luring heads into nodding madly or the alternative Club Velvets dimension of their social media.
As musicians, The Velvet Hands are getting increasingly busier in their own right. Over the last few years they’ve supported Liam Gallagher, Fontaines D.C., The Bluetones and Paul Weller, become a festival circuit favourite, been tipped by national radio and recently playing a live stream sets with Calva Louise (SOTN TV) and the launch of OBTV (as well as appearing on BBC TV) even their lockdown has kept busy.
Harvey Williams-Fairley
TheZineUK crew think that this band - left to right Toby (guitar and lead vocals), Dan (guitar and lead vocals), Sam (bass) and Louis (drums) - have STAR quality, but wanted to know who they think has it?
Louis - “Keith Richards and Bobby from Primal Scream, also Maradona”.
Dan - “Joan Jett, gotta be really. And Wim Hof, he runs around the Arctic in his pants, that indicates pure star quality to me.”
Toby - “Gotta be the star man himself; David Bowie. Relatable but unattainable - the ultimate star quality. And Tony Hawk for doing a 900.”
Also, while we’re being nosy; Your hair and the scenes at your live shows are getting wilder. Discuss.
”They go hand in hand really, once your hairs gone mad, you might as well go mad too. At least for a while no-one could go to the hairdressers so our unkempt barnets didn’t look unusual. I suppose you’d have to come to a show to understand”.
Talking of shows, ha ha it can get really sweaty, moshy and stage invaded when The Velvet Hands let loose their arsenal of garage rock party bangers. Back on a (touring) winner: They play This Feeling’s Rewired Fest in August (14th: London, 15th Leeds - sold out) before headlining dates in November.
Playing word association with the November tour dates!
”Record junkee- cheeky monkey
Off the square - apples and pears
The priory - the devils lair
Latest music bar - right on time
The moon - STAR
Underground - black snot”
It’s a yes from TheZineUK crew. We dig watching The Velvet Hands tale unfold. ‘STAR’ by Stars goes straight on to our Newer Wave Rocks Spotify Playlist and the cover of the latest Picture Book