Cro Cro Land Forever (please)
CroCroLand happened again. Music Peace and New Futures broke out - again!
Facts. The (sold out) alternative weekender at Stanley Arts is a MOMENT of 2024.
Something very beautiful for 2024. It is Cro Cro Land. Pic: Ms Mohammed and Anita Maj
International Music Festivals. Independent or otherwise this year’s not been easy and it’s only Spring. .Mid way between various understandable boycotts against sponsors, in March and May 2024, came escapism; the girlmeetsboy-slots of April’s deliciously diverse weekender.
Thank you for the warm reception, Cro Cro Crew! On the right, Sonja Amoretti, a welcome woman of multiple independent events, posted:
“On the way home from a 2 day fully sold out Crocroland, with the strong feeling and pride that I've yet again been part of something huge, important, revolutionary, the demonstration that things can be done and can be done well, against all odds. We are surrounded and lead by crap, true, but there is an awful lot of good out there too. Well done everyone: organisers, bands, workers, audience, everyone played a massive part in it.”
Stanley Arts - ‘Town Square’ is a grand setting with an “Old Grey Whistle Test studio” feel to the ‘Concrete Playground’ stage.
2024 is the second coming of this event, so we already knew it would be special. TheZineUK’s recent preview article noted: “Cro Cro Land is already an event of the year for fans of rock, pop, electro, shoegaze, art, inclusion and style” - Not only standing by that prediction - but adding “awesome and THEN some!”
Static Lives were anything but static! A brand new band all over the radio, sell out gigs, greeted like long lost lovers.
Disclaimer: This page. Amateur snapshots of a fraction of the action - by Events Dept., for the doc diary - as opposed to professional imagery. Some are so blurry that I’m gonna call them “art”! (Caffy)
Pre-set, line check for Jean Genie’s Massive Hugs. I see star shaped photographer, Robyn Skinner (and another, Jon Mo is talking to DJ, John Kennedy - who was also a fantastic host)
Zeenagers Expo 02:
SO many ace multi media, who are inspired by and woven into the story, were in London SE25 on 13th and 14th April. Stay tuned to Cro Cro Land socials for work by Jon Mo (leading on nicely from our Spill The Sound music TV show catch up), Robyn Skinner, Chris Patmore, Meli Foris, Don Blandford, Stephen Willcox and more - as well as to follow the artists who they captured.
Special thanks to art pop band, The Outers who filmed instagram stories for TheZineUK from the sets over the weekend (as they had done such a good job from Expo 01 in March!) Very much appreciation, again.
Great to see YUKE glimmering on stage again. Their CroCroLand experience? “It was so incredible. Loved the diversity among the artists.”
Otherworldly rock n roll dreams…
There's a reason that TheZineUK documenting straddles more than one dimension of our 21st Century reality. Whimsical situationism aside, this all really happened at the same time:
Planet Earth:
Q: Anybody bombed the Iran Consulate? Crapitalism: A: “Yes. But shhhh!”
Q: Tried to start World War 3? A: “Yeah, why not? LOL!”
Q: Ongoing multi-bigotry being celebrated, also?
A: Yup. ("would you like fries with that mass murder?")
Planet Water:
Have you entertained people and pulsed some joy into the ether? Have you applauded, sang with, danced to, or hugged a musician? Have you appreciated an audience, technician venue or promoter? Have you reported in words or pictures from a positive MOMENT? Were you at Cro Cro Land 2024 either in person, spirit or support?
Earthlings audiences ain't all bowing to the evil empire. Planet Water is becoming a majority of uniqulture on this death star. It felt like we were in the correction dimension.
Beth Rettig (Where We Sleep) posted: “I had a weekend packed with friends and music” and Kat Five (the Feral Five front woman performed a stardusted debut solo show at Cro Cro Land)
It's 2024 - our party people inspire!
Zeenagers and many friends took a trip away from the psychopathic darker ages and are a collective postcard from #CroCroLand with every smile, song, dance, comment, feedback, broadcast, social media comment, article, video clip or image.
Uber cred, invited back to Cro Cro; She Drew The Gun
As Playing Class Friends emit ripples of super nature, reports continue from Cro Cro Land. This will take a while as there’s a lot to unpack and a wish to return.
Infectious: Currls
“Documentary My Dear Watson…”
Independent media lead at this crucial time in world history, as they’re in the grassroots music venues that this bill have mostly convened from.
Artivist disco-punks, Bugeye, delivered a defining set - lead singer Angela Martin managed to get through the set despite laryngitis (croak cro), - oh and the super feat of being half of the Cro Cro Land creator Croydonists. The stunning festival graphic art and branding is courtesy of co-promoter, Julia Woolams. Wonder Women!
In an ideal world, Cro Cro Land is truly newsworthy.
There used to be national music press and journalists to celebrate what was really HAPPENING, to inform music fans about what would show them a good time and to report from the kind of festival where you could see forty (widely recommended) live shows for less than one pound each.
Fucked my knee and had to sit down for Jemma Freeman and the Cosmic Something - but cosmic really is the word. Like Arxx, Nova Twins, MOSES and SO many more, they were a highlight of the first Cro Cro Land, for me. Jemma Freeman was a very last minute addition to the line up and I fell in love right there and then, catch them when I can and yeah… when they return to Cro Cro (with the delectable Heidi Heelz on bass) I fuck my knee. Ah well, they’re a great band from all angles AND they’re supporting Bugeye’s Oslo Hackney headline on Star Wars Day with fellow Cro Cro fam, Kin. May 4th Oslo… (
I missed some sets but that was an astounding line up and achievement. For rock n roll’s Jungle Telegraph, Cro Cro Land is Front Page News.
Not only was everybody on the line up paid, but they all got the chance to sell merchandise or share their flyers etc. This DOGVIOLET t-shirt caught my attention: “This T-Shirt Fights Sweatshops”
Between the live sets were superbly on point DJ sets from the aforementioned John Kennedy of Radio X and multi media, Get In Her Ears. Also spotted, Joyzine, ASBO Magazine and a swathe of the interdependent music industrious out in support including Play It Loud UK, LOUD WOMEN, End Of The Trail. We’ll convene again at the next newer wave gatherings and swap notes as “things will have happened”. It’s a #FertileEnvironment thing…
Flat Party started 2024 with a self named debut EP and are having a great year already so far…
The Scenes of Cro Cro Land. The inclusion organisation and execution, that everybody was promoted and equally (as well as looked after with care), plus the stage management, engineering, production, presentation, security and safety.
I'm writing this as the Events Department of TheZineUK and what can I say? Life goals of professionalism and engagement.
Mattiel: From Later With Jools Holland TV appearance this year to Later With Cro Cro Land Saturday night headline.
Stay tuned, for another such gathering.
In these tough times for artists, grassroots venus, gigs and Independent festivals are being cancelled left, right and centre. It was wonderful (and hopeful) that Cro Cro Land could happen again.
Jean Genie, Francine and Jonny smashed it on stage (poptastic Jean Genie’s Massive Hugs) then smashed it with their stage style in Moondrix jackets from Planet Water’s Mr Moon!
The star studded standalone at Stanley Arts stood out!
Fab location situation! + The credible talent, the DIY chic and the amount of love for what everybody achieved - yet again - speaks volumes.
Psyched sounds from Safari Inn!
Being a documentary of the alternative rock n roll life, this week is still unpacking the bundles of joy to share...
Supervox, Lilith Ai, playing her first band show
It’s Wednesday night as I’m typing this - and mentions keep popping up from various sources with more to follow. Never a wham bam thank you ma’am affair!
Shoegaze shimmers from Whitelands
Holistic pleasure: Sociably and affordably.
Music Tourism - artists and audience alike had travelled from around the country (and even from Europe) to South Norwood for these shows.
Sparkler: Maya Lakhani - her set felt like a rocking pop party
Made some new friends. My social graces are a bit klutzy sometimes but it didn’t feel awkward. Also I did how there were children of all ages, from young teens to all decades of music fans in the Cro Cro mix.
Also got to catch the live urgency of Headshrinkers a Midlands post-punk proposition
Shared moments under sunny skies (yes, the rain did stop for a whole two days for Cro Cro Land so that we could also see a crescent moon after dark)
Power punk shoots: Pink Suits
Reshaped future. This is what happens when that many ideas and ideals mix informally while having fun. See the near future for further details.
I, Doris. We are ALL Doris. Right?
Special shout out to my festy homies, Magsi and Anita. I usually fly solo missions when going to gigs as I’m an awkward type sometimes. Even more friends and fave faces all weekend. It was fun being in a love pirate gang especially when everybody in that indoors and outdoors party was so freaking lovely that maybe I imagined that weekend?
Caught SULK rocking Kick Out The Jams last year and it’s a YES to the sulk-pants!, too
Cro Cro Land is not imagined though? Is it? It’s because the world may pretend that we’ve all gone bot heart alien death star bonkers but in reality, the majority of humans remain evolved. We’d rather live in peace, even if at the decibels of gigs and giggles.
Rock n Roll Girls, Lilith Ai, Ms. Mohammed, Anita Maj - April 2024, Cro Cro Land
It’s a phew from me and we have PROOF that when we come together, good things CAN influence the now and next. Playing Class Friends inspired our documentary. Enjoy this dimension!
Star shaped: Desperate Journalist
In the 21st century, we have our own spaces, kindness rules and a fierce determination to love. It makes magick. The musical.
First time catching entertainers, Baby Seals who have an album, ‘Chaos’ imminently…
The Cro Cro Land preview prediction was a MOMENT of the year. Correct. I’ve probably only mentioned half of the bands, others are on film clips and stuff to follow.
“CroCroLand was magic” (The Subways)
Can confirm. (TheZineUK)
(13th/14th April 2024, Fraulein sadly unwell so Headshrinkers stepped in. KIN were also a last minute addition. Feedback and Updates:
Generalising: An entire starship of a weekend, start to finish. Wasn’t kidding about a lot to unpack!
“Be Reasonable. Demand The Impossible” -
In the mean time, THAT's "How To Festival" in the 21st Century! Thank you Cro Cro Land community. LOVE you. x
Jean Genie’s Massive Hugs
pssst, proper pix and much more will drop via the Cro Cro Land website and socials (as well as invitations to play future events)
words n snapshots Caffy St Luce