Snapshots of SXSW2023
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Read MoreAWEtumn22 catch up weaving Coco and the Lost, Enjoyable Listens, The Skinner Brothers, This Feeling, End Of The Trail Creative, John Kennedy and Fierce Panda into the tapestry of Fertile Environment’s documenting.
Read MoreAlongside the major events (some which have to be paid by instalment) and the cost of getting (and eating/drinking!) there, are some phenomental newer wave festivals affordable for more people and just as much of an experience - but at close range.
#TheZineUK documentary: Andy Winters (There’s A Riot Going On), Robyn Skinner (Bugeye), John Kennedy (Radio X) and Kelly Munro (End Of The Trail) at The #BrightonRocknRollCircus
May’s punky fun was a case in point.
40+ live sets over three days.
A chance to catch the word of mouth up n comers over the same weekend as The Great Escape.
This meant that the shows at The Black Lion were attended by music industry and press for nearly every set.
As per all of the events in this article, both Kick Out The Jams and End Of The Trail (rocknroll circus ringmasters) are respected scouts, promoters and industry contacts of the up comer scenes.
Between seaside shenanigans, there are superb events every month at
Disclaimer: TheZineUK is a documentary about what is ALL HAPPENING by The Music People Party across the grassroots venue circuit of Britain Ireland on all kinda size stages, so yes, we DO know quite a lot of them and are appreciative of the access which allows the story to bloom.
If you would like to be involved in the new rock n roll as an artist or an ally then coming to small venue shows is your friendliest finishing school and networking club.
Next up is This Feeling’s brilliant weekend.
That ticket is the most value to catch some of the most valued rising stars at Leeds Brudenell and London Garage on the 13th and 14th August!
See the poster? Whoa!
If you know, you know. If you don’t you will, so you might as well find your new favourites - secure a ticket to the party ZONE!
AWEfumn update - BEEN. It was even better than could be hoped for!
August 2021 Instagram clip (The Clause): “thezineuk doc (and guitarband fans!) report that REWIRED is an interdependent music festival SUCCESS!”
Some of these artist/band names on the posters, you may already know as threads woven into our social media tips and tales of the new rock n roll. Again, these are ALL tiptop scouts, promotions (and more)! Each year their alumni sparkle in all kinds of ways that musicians can only dream of.
All of these more personal music festival mentions are packing ones-to-watch dynamite!
In Autumn, get set for the return of three more interdependent favourites who welcome everybody to their events. Grab a ticket and some escapist musical JOY!
Event No.6 at Amersham Arms in New Cross. Two days of the best women-powered DIY bands Tickets:
Signature Brew, Haggerston - the exceptional DIY punk fest featuring music, art and workshops by punx of colour. Income aware ticket prices
Keep an eye on their socials for next news.
The multi-stage music festival presented by the Croydonist is a love in.
More uniqulture: their signature mash-up of queer, non-binary, and straight bands with gender equality at the heart
Info, updates:
See also the #NXD (New Cross and Deptford in the rebel republic of #SELondon) multi venue rock-out by Till The Wheels
Till The Fest’s secoind event celebrates twenty one years of DIY Punk!
For TheZineUK doc it kinda feels like guitar blessed scenes and anti-scenes are evolving in plain site.
Consider that for most of the artists concerned, their main media is social media.
Thanks to sussed allies in radio, on music sites and on playlists alongside audiences on side, they get a boost. Fans are definitely a key to artist and event survival in the dystopian age and the Cost Of Greed Crisis.
In the backdrop of real life an outstanding soundtrack that is under the radar! But when you’re THERE, it’s definitely over the rainbow.#
Nottingham in the house! Making friends at REWIRED 2021
In these dark and frankly cruel times, come and hang with some kind people. You may find new friends or new fave talents.
TheZineUK has attended all of the above mentioned events.
Can recommend as feelgood fun and friendly. Music is soul food AND spirit medicine.
Yeah, this is how we roll. Be seeing you…
The Rock N Roll Circus comes to Brighton, 12th-14th May 2022. Over forty bands will thrill a free entry music festivity presented by Kick Out The Jams and End Of The Trail in association with Blackstar Amps, CD Baby, Gig Club and TheZineUK. It’s so much more than that. Come to The Black Lion and join an art souled, authentic and inclusive DIY music movement.
Read MoreNoah and the Loners woke up Covent Garden recently and spring Spring!
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