Not just any ERA in music...

“The world feels like it's on fire right now! Since the pandemic it seems like there has been non-stop stress, worry and conflict. Most of it seems to be fueled by insatiable greed and corruption by people who already have so much. Sometimes you feel powerless but watching young people resist the powers around the world, no matter how small of an act, gives us hope. We use our voices through our songs too but music has also been our escape from the dystopian too. 

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Literature: 'The Art of Darkness - The History Of Goth'

I felt it was time that there was a pop culture book about goth like Jon Savage had done with punk with Englands Dreaming. A book that explained the art in the darkness, put the cult into culture, deep dived into the core of the darker end of post-punk and explained how every generation deals with its blues by embracing goth's extended history from the fall of Rome, European folk lakes, romantic poets, dark artists and architecture before coalescing int he post-punk period... (John Robb)

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