positively Kat five!

“Cyberpunk vixen”, Kat Five is fused into so many mixes of science and nature! She is Feral Five’s lead vocalist, a musician, a solo artist in her own right and a key audio tech consultant/events speaker. Just a few of the many hats “K5” wears.

Despite modern life, across alternative music’s independence, there’s an organic swelling, with firmer foundations, of eclectic career potential coming to wider attention in no one set way.

TheZineUK’s story spins a web from their artistry. Musical activism is bringing pleasure, hope and solidarity during times that can be stressful and perilous for grassroots venues and talent, alike.

In short, POSITIVITY is still a thing!

Music is one of life’s treasures which can give us hope. What about the musicians, though?

We asked Kat Five what gives her hope?

“Community, creativity and activism. People are really coming together right now to fight for change.”

Humanity, assembling, around the world is increasingly noticeable. This brings balance to the mainstream media’s mostly negative energy. Artists are so important for representing the escapist side of life. Eccentricity is an energy.

Feral Five have just appeared live at the giant installation-as-music-festival: Electromagnetic Field, performing an electro spectacle with algorithm visuals, dance, tech, style and interaction.

In April, Kat Five’s debut solo show was wonderfully received at Cro Cro Land Festival.

Both are music stories that are going places, especially since the influential debut album from Feral Five: ‘Truth Is The New Gold’ (2023).

Everybody starts somewhere. We asked K5 “where?”

“At school! School choir, some group guitar lessons, playing that old favourite (not) 'She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain'. Music education is so important. Early influences were amazing artists I saw on TV. The standout was Chrissie Hynde as she played guitar and made anything seem possible.”

It turns out that almost anything IS possible, hence our alternative art movements in sound and vision. Fast forward from school days to having made a genuine mark on the music and tech scenes as well as media acclaim. Read TheZineUK’s Spring’24 Kat Five article for further details.

There’s news for the near future, too. What’s happening, K5?

“Unleashing new music! Planning the next Kat Five single, one of the songs I premiered live at Cro Cro Land Festival, such an amazing place to play. More shows.”

Kat Five (@katfive_) • Instagram

It’s all kicking off!

Not just any ERA in music...

“The world feels like it's on fire right now! Since the pandemic it seems like there has been non-stop stress, worry and conflict. Most of it seems to be fueled by insatiable greed and corruption by people who already have so much. Sometimes you feel powerless but watching young people resist the powers around the world, no matter how small of an act, gives us hope. We use our voices through our songs too but music has also been our escape from the dystopian too. 

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