Midlight - “Emergency Song”

A review by Alan Neilson.

Midlight are back, having survived the difficult year that we don’t mention now, in which they released two cracking singles and despite not being able to tour and promote them, managed to find support from 6Music and also joined Brighton’s Airdriver Records, who are releasing the band’s single for 2021: the aptly titled ‘Emergency Song’. The band introduce this new song by saying it “was written at the very start of the pandemic, as the workings of society came to an abrupt halt. The song explores the crisis in a nuanced way, examining the experience of a character who is in a position of power – someone who only knows what it is to live for today in a dog-eat-dog world.”

‘Emergency Song’ is a slight departure from previous releases in that rhythmically it is much less complex allowing the lead vocal and strummed acoustic guitar to take centre stage. It is almost two minutes into the song before the song’s dynamics step up a gear and the hypnotic guitar drones and long synth lines give room to the drum track and a beautifully restrained guitar solo. Melodically it feels like a Gregorian chant with drawn out notes moving only in semi-tones with no great leaps between pitches. It becomes mesmerising as the voices double up and the song builds up tonally into a wall of overlapping drones and sounds. Consequently what Midlight gain through creating this heavy cinematic atmosphere they lose in obvious melodic or rhythmic hooks, but they are there if you listen long enough. The dynamic arc of the song reminds me of Radiohead’s ‘Exit Music (For A Film)’ and it will appeal to those who enjoy the journey of a song rather than a snappy chorus.

On the 7 inch vinyl limited edition fans are also treated to an actual bona fide B side with their new track ‘The Future’s Not Cancelled’ which is exclusive to the vinyl release. It will be a limited run but this song is good enough to warrant rushing to get the vinyl edition, with its laid back more simple arrangement, built around an acoustic guitar and vocal, and containing pertinent lyrics for our time: “This song may not be the song you need to hear right now, but it’s the one that’s coming out of me” - it is a perfect accompaniment to the A side and one of the best songs I have heard about the pandemic with a rousing chorus of “We will get through I know we will”.

The two songs succinctly capture the mood of the last twelve months from the stark realism of ‘Emergency Song’ to the overwhelming optimism of ‘The Future’s Not Cancelled’. It may be that we soon become swamped by pandemic and post-pandemic songs, as we dwell on the old normal, the new normal or the new abnormal. However, Midlight paint with an extremely subtle brush and I am sure there is little chance that these songs will lose their resonance as we move out of this pandemic.

Midlight’s - ‘Emergency Song’ is available now on Airdriver Records.

Fierce Panda x End Of The Trail x SXSW


17th March: Family Jools, Jeckyll, Caiine, Scrounge, Enjoyable Listens - live stream.

An Official Showcase Live Stream from South by Southwest (“South By”) - the globe’s annual music, film and interactive media festival and conference. It’s digital facet can shine in these pandemic days at SXSW Online 16th-18th March). Every year, Britain Ireland represents an array of musical gems (and TheZineUK doc has noticed more names from our fertile environment’s tale, every year).


When the heritage independent record label which gave you Coldplay, Keane, Placebo and twenty-seven years of such scouting calibre, teams up with the newer independent that Britain's national radio are also tuned into, you know you best pay attention to who they recommend. Fierce Panda and End Of The Trail take Britain’s emerging interdependent scene to SXSW 2021 with an official stage of genre fusion goodness.

All of these artists - Caiine, Jeckyll, Family Jools, Enjoyable Listens and Scrounge - come highly recommended, critically acclaimed and have won audience admiration on their own terms. They are not to be missed #LivingTheStream on Wednesday 17th March - Teaser - click through for individual artist link (produced/directed by Roobi Live):

To be broadcast 17th March 2021 @ https://www.sxsw.comJekyll - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCcBhkG5rf8Family Jools - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie...

Ringleaders of the sprawling newer wave of music industrious energy taking DIY power to next level while influencing the mainstream, especially in the last few years, both labels are key. Often they grace the grassroots circuit of Music Venue Trust either staging their own event or in support/scout mode at others because our biggest new music stories are in our smallest venues. Sometimes the Panda Trail showcase stages at some of the highest profile festivals. Heads of both labels, Simon Williams (Fierce Panda) and our own Kelly Munro (End Of The Trail) are multi-tasking key figures of the UK music industry.

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New Year's Revolutions

The Latest Picture Book - Dec’20-Jan’21

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Sun 14th March 2021: "Hallo. We are TheZineUK. We are seven years of situationist, whimsical rock'n'roll artbeat poet lifestyle. The musical." We Are A New Sanse!

Except Sunday wasn't about us. It was about the women of (?) “Poundland” / “Povonia” / “Lepercoloniski” (?)  (seriously, what is Brexitannia's real name these days? "united" and "great" this nation sure ain't - but we can’t stick with Plague Island forever! Anyway, International Women’s Day is eternally every day for anybody who is onside.

Mon 15th March : The Ides were ‘ideous! #PolicingBill hell is, of course, going ahead.

Tues 16th March : In our parallel dimension we are inspired by the cast and crew of our story.

Most of them are our friends and many of them will know where this tale is coming from. Between us all, we have woven an almost-Almost Famous tapestry of golden threads which make increasing sense as a movie script. The latest picture book has been uploaded, what happens next? In seven years of kismet and riffs we have come a long and twisted way. Literally feeling sentimental like the faces on our pages are beloved characters in a real life folklore story of heroic every day people.

Season 1

(innocent-ish passions meeting at live music adventures). We launched New Year 2014 with punk art poetry on Tin Pan Alley, Soho, Central London. Mid March 2014 we uploaded Chapter 1 of the diary doc and went on a road trip of creativity and serendipity. It was the yellow brick road of highs and lows which led to the Music People Party in December 2017. Slideshow: Season 1 of 2021 cast/crew video clips.

Season 2

By 2018, you couldn't make it up how delectable DIY in dystopia was empowering a theatric fertile environment despite the increasingly hostile environment of reality's backdrop.

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In 2019, the seeds, watered with love, accidental comedy and noisy funshine began to bloom. Then we awoke to the 2020 vision with many of the one race, humans, revealing themselves. Some inadvertedly.

Through the latest picture book December 2020 to 31st January 2021 - for many of us, although we are dividing, these shared experiences (including being uplifted by the arts, while despairing of cruel corruption) bring us together in different ways to gigs.

Cue the wealth of artists, their audiences, allies: photographers, writers, presenters, DJs, dreamers, producers,  film makers, dancers, promoters, technicians, designers, poets and cottage industry of crews. If TheZineUK doc is untrue then nobody will recognise the charismatic characters in our tales.

2021's Zeenagers ARE the Music People Party and beyond, plus new friends keep coming.

The latest upload is a melting pot picture house of Amanda Gorman, The Rezner, Bugeye, Simon Price, Cool Thing Records, Birthmarks, BLAB, Mourning Birds, Gavin Monaghan, Asylums, The Mysterines, John Robb, Music Venue Trust, End Of The Trail Creative, Travellers Tunes, Peace And Justice, Drilly, Sick Love, False Heads, A Cause In Distress, Coach Party, Emily Capell, Lock-In and OBTV with the wonderful Nadia Sheikh as our cover star. We’ve actually seen/met most of the people concerned, in the flesh, over the years.

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Serious shout outs to the New Year (r)Evolution, escapism have never been needed so badly. Not so sure how long TheZineUK will last though. We are a nuisance. Headed up by working class women of non-elite heritages we're more Rocking Pebble than Rolling Stone but have gate crashed and blagged alongside all the kind invitations and access, to bring a story unlike anything else.

Our stars, yeah you heard, STARS, twinkle hard. They possess stages, not ages (Generation Tremorists of uniqulture are children of all ages). Our Newer Wave of Interdepent music industrious confuse the corporate. Vintage rockers bring the experience and anecdotes while teens and 20-somethings are the sussed marketing heads of the next biz, already. This frees the artists to break through between school and pension like music was the life long calling that it really is.

Season 3

We rebooted in Love Month 2021 (a.k.a. February) with the Lunar(tic?) New Year but also tinges of hope. No way would we stop reporting on the genuine stars rising under the radar despite everything. What happens next? We all decide.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Hallo Bright Pink CatWalk...

Bachelor - 'Anything At All' (Latest single)

Bachelor - ‘Anything At All’

Single review by Alan Neilson


Bachelor is Jay Som and Palehound’s new joint project, and their first song ‘Anything At All’ is out now and it is stunning. Blessed with an almost perfect groove from a deceptively simple opening bass and drum combo, the song slowly develops adding synths and vocals until it practically bursts from your speakers with a dirty lead guitar break.

Just when you think it is going to follow convention and do the repeat chorus and groove to the end, they instead go for a maelstrom of guitar feedback and synth noise, which just when you think it is fading gets louder and louder.

And then when you think the song has finished the bass and drum groove returns but cut back more than when it came in… and then when you don’t expect it to finish, it does. Boom.

The first time I heard this I was mesmerised from start to finish and found its twists and turns and individuality captivating. The contrast between the funky groove, the beautifully filthy overdriven guitars and the angelic vocals is beguiling and the partnership of Melina Duterte and Ellen Kemper is already a perfect match.

The only negative is the artwork for the single. When you look at Jay Som and Palehound’s previous releases, there is a sense of style, whereas as the ‘Anything At All’ cover looks like the first image you’d get with a inserting random images and text into a Word document. As this image is the first thing potential listeners see before hearing the magic behind it, I fear it might not grab their attention. But those who pass will be missing out big time.

I am so excited to hear what they release next.

Bachelor’s single ‘Anything At All’ is out now from all download stores.