2022's Rock n Roll Circus

The Rock N Roll Circus comes to Brighton, 12th-14th May 2022. Over forty bands will thrill a free entry music festivity presented by Kick Out The Jams and End Of The Trail in association with Blackstar Amps, CD Baby, Gig Club and TheZineUK. It’s so much more than that. Come to The Black Lion and join an art souled, authentic and inclusive DIY music movement.

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Snapshots of 420: The Dead Freights & J. W. Paris

The Dead Freights x J. W. Paris


The Dead Freights x J. W. Paris 〰️

The Dead Freights headline Sebright Arms, Hoxton, 20th Aprl 2022

Music Movement Tapestry Threads:

J. W. Paris at Sebright Arms, 20th April 2022

Oh, random documenting. How I love thee. Started this a few weeks ago. Onwards though, by mid May!

End Of April ramblings…

A few years ago, I had a glorious evening out at Sahera Walker’s ‘Some Might Say’ show in the legendary North London venue, Nambucca on Holloway Road.

I remember it was the night before the very first CroCroLand Festival in Croydon, so I was staying sober to get up early! (had been a Cro Cro mentor, pre festival and TheZineUK were a co-promoting partner - yeah, made it on site for early o clock!)

I hadn’t witnessed the seedling rockers, J. W. Paris, before (but they went on to my must-see-again list, after their set!). A driving bluesy thing going on that I can relate to.

Then, in January 2020, just before this new world started…


I promise ya this just happened. I popped onto twitter to check it WAS April 2019, and saw a tweet about this very article, I’m posting snapshots of.

So, with Hayley’s kind permission…

That’s the kismet of situationist art rock documenting, I guess… Hayleyjane Parfitt is correct.

That’s why I tried to get some pix.

I’m no photographer in real life, so lets (again) call these snap shots my happy music fan “art”.

Where was I? Oh yeah:

. . . just before the old world ended, in January 2020, I caught my first glimpse of The Dead Freights.

On the Nambucca stage at This Feeling, the live rock n roll zone I’ve probably been to most times over the years. As per the interdependent guitar band circuit, it’s a proper club, in the eternal sense of belonging. At some point in their set, my friend, Jean Genie, and I had exchanged a simultaneous approving look, coupled with the “oh yes!” nod, across an (again) packed venue.

The biggest stories are in the smallest locations (where DIY promoters stage the buzziest new rock and roll moments). Affordably and personally. I’ll say it until fade, support your local grassroots music venue. The old world flavours this new one, sonically being one of my favourie ways. This evening was no exception.

Fast forward to 20th April (“420”) 2022.

Such a beautiful sunny day with blossom swirling like confetti everywhere.

After an engaged music event (Soccer Six Crew) meet up in Essex (complete with BBQ, beers and ice cream) I waddle back to London with TWO jacket potatoes in my handbag, sit in Ion Square park for an hour and listen to birds having some kind of punk festival of their own in the bushes as the sun started to go down.

Leaving Ion Square Park. Sun’s going down. Rock’s coming up.

This is a better local park for me.

I have memories of falling out of a tree on the way to a pre-Indian Queens gig a few years ago after getting locked in the park and thinking I could acrobat my way out.

Anyway, I’m in the new world of 2022, now.

Go me!

I check my 21st century communication appendage regularly, sort of working stil. Nothing I can’t sort in the morning.

As for twitter, well, big up the birds - the original tweets are the best. I’m having a happy bird day. Thank you Mikey n co. cos I’m off for a great double bill. In fact, it’s nearly time for a cheeky half, then the full openers set, so I do the standing up thing.

Catch ups:

On the way across the road to the Sebright Arms, I bump into the above mentioned Sahera. She is now the Brick Lane Queen of Cafe 101 and Werkhaus.

Then, in the venue bogs before the doors open, I bump into photographer, Elly Bailey, editor of Why Generation? who has previously contributed wonders to TheZineUK doc (Elly’s pix are in focus, tho!)

I’ve not been here for a while, but I know where the air conditioned spot for claustrophobics is down the front. Phew! As This Feeling is (again) completely SOLD OUT for star turns.

Incidentally, if anybody reading is waiting for a review, I’m not a journalist either, sorry. Just some diary love pirate chick mad bat deluxe. Welcome to TheZineUK.

In a cowardly Grave New World, every escapism counts. We lost another of it’s key grassroots spaces, the above mentioned Nambucca will end it’s live music loving days.. What’s happened in that space is a future BBC TV 4 documentary all of it’s own. Very happy to be in an intimate location. Maybe nobody thought like that down The Cavern or 100 Club in the 50s and 60s…

It’s the now though. During this pandemic, (the also above mentioned) Jean Genie - one of the promoters/DJs at said venue - became a recorded and released artist in her own right. In 2022 she has joined new “defribilated pop” band, Alex and the Wonderland.

More will mushroom from tonight.

So many threads are woven by being at a live music event which happens to follow the DIY triumph of Leave The Capital’s interdependent collaboration of music tour around the UK, earlier this year.

The band I’m about to see are integral to what happened.

J. W. Paris do not disappoint when they take to the stage.

Without any messing about, the three headed home counties rockbeast blast straight into the business of a showy SHOW!

Their latest single ‘Electric Candle Light’ is deservedly hitting all the right spots (including multiple national radio presenters) that would grace any newer wave rock DJs indie club set.

J. W. Paris have a summer of festivals ahead (which includes gracing the inimitable This Feeling Stage) to schwing their showy show for sure.

Dead Freights are very much a-LIVE weights.

Ha ha. I’m snapping a group who have immaculate photographic video imagery.

The irony isn’t lost on me but I hobby snap away anyway, between having a wiggle and grin.

Their name came up at the Echotown Studio launch recently (best South Coast bands).This tapestry’s threads are pure gold.

A bonhomie of classic rock joy straight outta Southampton, Dead Freights present a pissed-off-poetry laced, garage punk of dynamics and star shaped newer wave glam tints that any spiders from Mars could weave a web around.

The crowd or the band?

Which section of music lovers crammed under the low ceiling of Sebright Arms is more delighted at being here for this headline set?

I’m not sure.

As previously mentioned, this punky delight was one of those “I was there” evenings.

2022 is a strong look already for Dead Freights.

https://www.instagram.com/deadfreights_band/ has a wealth of great photography

Tour dates with The Libertines, a Steve Lamacq (BBC 6Music) championed Spring single ‘Hey Hatred’/’Batman’ and now this - their own, second sold out performance in the capital.

Dead Freights are doing the big stage thing, again on the Summer Festival circuit.

If you have tickets for the sold out Truck Festival, you’re in for a treat (This Feeling Stage)

The story of sound musicians loving their adventure is going in the right direction and I am so there for it. Until next time, then, but hopefully it won’t be so long.

Caffy (ThezineUK Events/Diary)
thanks Mikey n George, Zone Rangers

Iron Deficiency by Y!KES

Y!KES hit 2022 running

New Single, Video and Hometown Headline

Produced by Jim Pinder (Bring Me The Horizon/While She Sleeps), ‘Iron Deficiency’, the second single release of this year continues the momentum of a raucous band building up a head of steam, steadily, with every move.

Y!KES have certainly coloured the last couple of years brighter in TheZineUK’s documenting of newer wave rock. It’s always a tonic to catch up with the latest instalment of their unfolding story

There is smart spectacle in their “DIY-plus” major band ripple effect that is infectious.

All the sounds and visions focus, geared towards iconography and bigger stages.

Lyrics loosely inspired from an article highlighting various torturous methods of practice still undertaken on animals today, and anaemia induced blackouts. What’s not to like? (Y!KES)

So much to get excited about, to be honest. Like a rock-monster Duran Duran, The ‘Iron Deficiency’ vdeo is an on-brand grand bandstand - but never too distant from an obvious following of genuine friends and fans. These kind of musicians propel our rock n roll dreams.

”We Are A One Off” (Y!KES)

They actually are a one off. That’s not easy in a world with decades of glammed maverick influences across the arts, ideas and styles - but nobody has ever “seen it all before”, as these last five years bear witness.

It seems unreal that a high proportion of Zeenagers (faves, cast, crew, future picks etc) from the posts and timelines of TheZineUK doc, keep evolving to twinkle brighter as stars. Situationism as musical alchemy? Witness the amount of adventures you can only imagine when starting out. Y!KES are definitely another case in point.

The Darker Ages are terrible. Crave the Anti-Pop chaos: Y!KES play their first hometown gig of the year on 8th April. Birmingham’s Sunflower Lounge is sounding like the place to be with special guest, the multi talented Ace Ambrose, (also on a deservedly rocketing trajectory) and DnB DJ, Tommy Conflict. The headliners have put this party together with an iron EFFICIENCY! Get tickets now at https://fatso.ma/VFV1 before they're all gone, and if you’ve not already given Y!KES your “likes”, get on it while you can get near…


Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3h9nUqV

YouTube https://youtu.be/dG05pIVO0Qo

