Not just any ERA in music...

“The world feels like it's on fire right now! Since the pandemic it seems like there has been non-stop stress, worry and conflict. Most of it seems to be fueled by insatiable greed and corruption by people who already have so much. Sometimes you feel powerless but watching young people resist the powers around the world, no matter how small of an act, gives us hope. We use our voices through our songs too but music has also been our escape from the dystopian too. 

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Music Fan: Count Binface

Counting down to Independence Day / Bindependence Day!

Don’t do politics? No worries. Music, then.

TheZineUK asked respected British politician, Count Binface, about his musical taste in Rock.

In a land of song and dance we can relate.

The British Political History images from the 20th and 21st century take a heroically eccentric turn. There’s actually better stories within the truth!

This people’s champion can be taken more seriously than much of Wasteminster’s political discourse. Count Binface beat the fashtrashcandidate at last month’s London Mayor elections. He replied to our query with:

“If I had to name a rock act myself,
we Recyclons are very partial to a bit of Chris Rea.
I don't know why but we love him.

Galactic best wishes,


Many thanks, Count Binface!

#AskBinface Trash Talk Podcast on Spotify

COUNTing down…

Not long now until the 4th of July - a trick general erection. For most people, it’s time to take out the trash. The unelected one inadvertently made #IndependentsDay a real thing and the media have already crowned the untruthed one. Greens are being shadowbanned by mainstream media Olds-not-News clan.

With more wrong ‘uns than ever, like a corrupted game show called ‘Hate Island’, this election is not looking much fun, so ‘The Road To Hell’ by Chris Rea seems like a fitting song to play out on…!

Stay safe and strong.